Ultimate Membership Pro


Ultimate Membership Pro is the best WordPress membership plugin that enables you to create and manage exclusive multi-level access for your members based on direct free memberships or paid recurring subscriptions.

SKUv 12.6

The Ultimate Membership Pro WordPress plugin is a popular tool for creating and managing membership-based websites on the WordPress platform.

It provides a comprehensive set of features to control user access, restrict content, and handle membership subscriptions.

Key features of the Ultimate Membership Pro plugin typically include:

  • Membership levels:

You can create multiple membership levels or subscription plans with different access privileges and pricing options.

  • Content restriction:

The plugin allows you to restrict access to specific custom posts, pages, categories or post types based on membership levels. This enables you to create members-only content and offer exclusive benefits to your subscribers.

  • Drip content:

You can schedule the release of content over time, Which provides a sequential release of information or resources to your members.

  • Restrict access to URLs:

The plugin provides the ability to restrict access to specific URLs, This makes it only available to members with the appropriate membership level.

  • Payment integration:

Ultimate Membership Pro integrates with popular payment gateways, Such as PayPal, Stripe, Authorize.Net, etc. Allowing you to collect membership fees and manage recurring subscriptions.

  • Membership management:

The plugin provides comprehensive member management functions, Including user registration, account management and the ability to view and manage member details.

  • Coupon system:

You can set up coupon codes to offer discounts or promotions to potential members, And encourage them to join your site.

  • Email notifications:

Ultimate Membership Pro allows you to send automatic email notifications to members about various events, Such as subscription renewal, account expiration, or password reset.

  • Reports and Analytics:

The plugin provides reporting features to track membership statistics, subscription growth, and revenue generation. This information can help you make informed decisions about the performance of your membership site.


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