Filter Everything


Filter Everything is a useful and powerful plugin for WordPress users who want to enhance the filtering capabilities of their sites. It contributes to improving the user experience and providing greater flexibility in displaying the appropriate content for each visitor and customizing and filtering the content based on specific criteria.


Filter Everything for WordPress and WooCommerce is a powerful tool that improves the product filtering capabilities of your online store.

This plugin allows you to create advanced filters for your WooCommerce products, giving your customers a smooth and efficient shopping experience.

Here are some of the main features and functions of the Filter Everything plugin:

  • Advanced filtering options:

The plugin provides various filtering options to help customers narrow down their product search based on specific criteria such as price range, product attributes, categories, tags, and more.

  • Flexible filter layouts:

You can customize filter layouts to match the design and style of your website. The plugin offers different layout options, including sidebar filters, horizontal filters, and inline filters.

  • Ajax filtering:

The plugin uses Ajax technology, which means that the filtering process is done without reloading the page. Hence resulting in a faster and smoother user experience.

  • Dynamic filter counters:

The plugin displays filter counters in real time, showing the number of products available for each filter option. This helps customers understand how many products are available in each category or attribute group.

  • Multiple selection and single selection options:

The Filter Everything option supports both multi-select and single-select filtering options. Customers can choose multiple themes at once or limit their choice to a single theme.

  • Filter presets:

You can save filter configurations as presets for easy reuse. This feature also allows you to create predefined filter sets and provides quick access to frequently used filters.

  • Compatibility:

The Filter Everything plugin is designed specifically for WooCommerce, ensuring seamless integration with your online store. It is also compatible with popular WordPress themes and other WooCommerce extensions.


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