Woo Import Export


The plugin allows you to import and export various data related to your WooCommerce store such as products, orders, customers, and other settings.

SKUv 5.9.27

Woo Import Export is a tool designed for WooCommerce The plugin allows you to import and export various data related to your WooCommerce store such as products, orders, customers, and other settings.

With Woo Import Export plugin you can efficiently manage large amounts of data using CSV (Comma Separated Value) files.

It provides an easy-to-use interface to map the fields in your CSV file to the appropriate WooCommerce data fields so it’s easy to import and export data.

Here are some of the basic features that the Woo Import Export plugin usually offers:

  • Import and export of products:

You can import/export product details such as title, description, price, stock quantity, images, attributes and more.

  • Import and export requests:

You can import/export order information, including customer details, product details, order status and other relevant data.

  • Import and export customers:

You can import/export customer information such as names, email addresses, billing/shipping addresses, and additional details.

  • Import and export categories and tags:

You can manage your product categories and tags by importing and exporting them.

  • Import and export of coupons:

You can import and export coupon codes, discount amounts, restrictions, and other data related to coupons.

  • Import and export product reviews:

You can import and export product reviews, including customer ratings, reviews, and review status.

  • Scheduling import and export operations:

The plugin often includes a feature to schedule automatic import and export operations thus allowing you to automate data management tasks.


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