Tour Master – Tour Booking, Travel, Hotel


The Tour Master plugin is a comprehensive solution for businesses in the tourism industry, enabling them to streamline their online booking and travel services offerings directly from their WordPress site.

SKUv 5.3.0

Tour Master is a WordPress plugin that allows you to create and manage tour packages, travel services, and hotel reservations directly from your WordPress site.

It is a comprehensive solution for tour operators, travel agencies and companies providing tourism-related services.

Here are some of the main features of the Tour Master plugin:

  • Trip management:

The plugin enables you to create and manage tour packages, including details such as tour descriptions, prices, schedules and availability.

  • Reservation system:

Customers can browse and book tour packages directly on your website. The plugin also handles the booking process, payment integration, and customer management.

  • Travel services:

In addition to tours, the plugin also allows you to offer other travel-related services such as hotel reservations, transportation, and activities.

  • Hotel reservations:

The plugin integrates with the main hotel booking APIs, so it allows your customers to search, compare and book hotel accommodations on your website.

  • Reports and Analytics:

The plugin provides detailed reports and analysis on flight bookings, travel services and hotel reservations, helping you make informed business decisions.

  • Customization:

The plugin is highly customizable, allowing you to match the branding and design of your website. You can also extend its functionality with various add-ons and integrations.

  • Multi-language support:

Tour Master supports multiple languages, making it easier to reach a global audience.


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